
Sunday, August 10, 2014

My Alter Personality

Many people say that they know me quite well. When I ask them what they know about me they usually come up descriptions that t I am stubborn, I am brave, I work hard, I blog, I have survived cancer, I am doing my M.S, I love my kids, I am lucky,  I am overconfident, I am counselor etc etc. It is kind of assumed by people who know me that they know everything about me. How wrong they are. I am much more than what any one person can know.
The closest person in my life has been Rayyan who knows quite a lot about me, but even he knows just about 28% of my life.  
There are many things about me, some funny, few shocking, a few quite weird and some quite sad that many do not know. For example though simple these are important part of my life which is unknown to many - My first crush was for Batman of comics (not the movies or tv serials), I love the music of Linkin Park, I still love to read Dr.Seuss, I have bragging rights, or that I spend a big chunk of my time playing games. Like these there are many other things which though not guarded secrets are not known to many around me. Then there are secrets which I do not intend to share with anyone as well. Isn't that true about every person? 
Today let me introduce you to my alternate personality that is of Gamer.  OK! Time for confession. I am game addict! Not the bubble breakers or candy crush types, though I do play them occasionally when I have just a short break to afford between hectic schedules.
 Every now and then the kids wait for dinner, dishes cry in the sink and phone dies a slow death ringing and ringing when I am racing and knocking out cold anyone who dared to challenge me. Car racing games just take my breath away.  The next in the list of my favorite games are word games, quickly followed by puzzles and quizzes. Not many people … oopppss that would be an understatement………….none of the people I know (except one person) can beat me at the games I am passionate about. I play with fervor as though my life depends on it.  
I can beat many of the teens around me in racing games and I rule everyone around me in word games as well. Boys have tough time accepting this fact they got beaten by a woman with grey hairs and they tell me I got lucky, until I kick their ass 10 times in a row. LOL. Rayyan has a good partner at home to challenge for the racing games. NFS most wanted was something we both loved and enjoyed quite a lot. We go back to playing it even now every now and then, though there is a big world of new racing games we can pick from. I don’t think I waste my time playing games on my devices because the time spent being happy is not wasted according to me. Since I treasure my life and want to spend some more years in this world, I love to perform dynamic, high-speed aerial stunts and enjoy an intense driving experience only through the games.
Nothing beats Dell Alienware in gaming device. Rayyan owns one with 3D option as well(not for gaming, but for his animation work). That is the ultimate gaming machine, but then it is heavy, complicated and meant for work (at least according to Rayyan). He was shocked that all I wanted to do was play Wordament Snap Attack on the Alienware. He took it as an insult for the device.  LOL

If you want to throw me in jail, hand me a device which is compact, sleek, runs like a PC, has the latest windows 8.1 operating system and is perfect for games; then you need not build walls around me, the device becomes my prison. That is what happened when out of blue a Dell Venue Protablet PC landed in my hands. It gave me the chance to play two of the games I have been dying to play for a long time - Asphalt 8 Airborne and Wordament Snap Attack.
I could not play those games earlier due to lack of few features on the devices I have at present. These two amazing games entertain you to no end. For a small device Dell Venue 8 pro runs the racing games without showing any signs of hanging or getting stuck in between. Additional advantage is the size which makes it so comfortable for me to hold the device while playing the game. So, finally my question, why do we need iPad Mini when we have iPad, has been answered and I know why people are opting for miniature tablets.

Dell Venue 8 Pro is like having a gaming laptop on the go. Every game runs like a hot knife through butter. I couldn’t believe that I could run Asphalt racing game so well on this tiny device! It must the advantage of Atom processor. My cars shine on the road, since the resolution is quite high as well. The experience is amazing and I plan to try out some more games on the device once I am done with my practical exams which are fast approaching.
Games I plan to try out next
Civilization 5, League of Legends,  Shadow run Returns, Geometry wars, Mark of the Ninja, Walking dead and Fallout 2 or 3 whichever I can lay my hand on.
Don’t ever tell me to stop playing games and get a life, because why I would I need ‘a life’ when I have 3 lives left in the game I am playing at present.

Watch the video of me playing game ... because seeing is believing. 


  1. everyone of has an alter ego .. some would accept it and many will not .. and yes I am also addict of sudoku and crossword puzzle ..

  2. How true that no-one knows any other person really well :)

    And you have Bertrand Russell to support you - as I have mentioned in one of my posts based on his quotes. he says "Time that you enjoy wasting is not wasted time" :)

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Rayyan Lost in Laptop

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