
Monday, August 20, 2012

Sexy @ Sixty By Namita Jain - Book Review

Details of Book
Book: Sexy @ Sixty
Author : Namita Jain
Book ID:       EBK0302237
ISBN:  9789381626634
Binding:       Paper back
Publisher:     Westland Books
Language:    English

I decided to go ahead and do review of another book for Blogadda, because the title ‘Sexy @ Sixty’ looked different from what I usually hear, sexy @ sixteen. When I reflected about sixties, I could recall many women, unfortunately none of them appeared sexy to me, so I said why not check this out and went ahead to sign up for the review.
Blogadda selected me as one of the 10 bloggers chosen to review 'Sexy @ Sixty' and informed me they will be sending the book shortly. Meanwhile, while waiting for the book, I surfed net and found out who the author was. What I found out about Namita Jain was quite encouraging, which made me look forward to the book eagerly.
About the Author: Namita Jain has been in wellness industry for more than 25 years now, building up unmatched reputation in health business. Apart from writing for various leading newspapers and magazines on health and wellness, she has brought out several books like Jaldi Fit, Jaldi Fit Kids, The Four Week Countdown Diet and Figure It Out: The Ultimate Guide to Teen Fitness.
She works as a Clinical Fitness Specialist and offers consultations to a well-known hospital in Mumbai, structuring training programs for people with special needs, training the trainers and conducting specialized classes for her students. In addition she is associated with Diet Mantra, a nutrition partner for Miss Femina 2012. Unbelievable, but true that after all these activities, she finds time to hold classes in aerobics, yoga, pilates, step workout and  other health training programs.
Namita Jain’s Certifications :
  American Council of Exercise (Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant)
  American Council On Exercise (Clinical Exercise Specialist)
  American College of Sports Medicine (Health & Fitness Instructor)
  Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (Group Health Instructor)
  American Council On Exercise (Group Health Specialist)

Book Review:
The book comes in paperback cover which has a picture of two happy elderly couple enjoying good times on beach as seen in the picture above. The man in the picture looks much older than the woman, maybe he did not follow the fitness and sexy @ sixty rules. :)

On the back cover we have brief introduction to the book, which gives us an idea what to look forward to:
Sexy at sixty. Is that possible? Namita Jain, the prestigious wellness expert, shows you how in Sexy @ Sixty, which is a celebration of this wondrous phase in your life. She aims to make it even more wonderful by giving you enough ammunition, in the form of many helpful tips on lifestyle, food, exercise and staying positive, to slay the bugbears that threaten to rain on your parade. 

Aimed at the modern not so young man or woman, the book is full of practical, easy to understand information:
  • Tables showing you the exact calorie count of your meals ,
  • Illustrations for safe ways to exercise, whether by gentle stretches or strength training,
  • Chapters on how to tackle everything from skin care and weight gain to stress, arthritis and diabetes,
  • Easy to follow explanations for menopause or prostate issues.
    Join Namita Jain as she shows you the way to health and beauty at every age
A well summed up, tempting invitation to read the book.

Photo of the chapters covered in the book
As I turned the page, I found the book was divided into 17 chapters which covered up almost everything that affects person as they age. Wow! I exclaimed as I could not recall anything missing from the list.
After the Acknowledgement, a beautiful picture of Hema Malini greeted me; who looks an exotic beauty even at 63. So I felt more encouraged to believe the title, as the images of grumpy old ladies in 60’s started fading from my mind replacing them with Hema Malini and other beautiful women who do look sexy @ sixty.
Hema Malini has summed up the book very well in her words including issues related to aging problems, life in general and how to remain healthy and fit. An applause to her for saying it very accurately, just in few words.
Next comes the introduction from the author herself. She has given us a new perspective to aging and being in 60s as a wondrous phase of life.

I found the book very well organized. All the chapters have a uniform pattern followed:
·         They start with an introduction to the problem or issue.
·         Discussion about the solution to the problem, with highlights of important facts
·         Followed by NAMITASPEAK, where the author gives out her outlook on the issue, tips, advice and many more important discussions.
·         Every chapter ends with a fight plan to tackle the issue head on.
There is a real life incidence mentioned here and there about Mehul’s snacking habits, Arjun’s walking preference, Siddharth and his skin issues, Rita Joshi’s back problems and many other small references, which allows us to relate to the problem personally at times.
I love organized work when I am dealing with health issues, so I loved the book instantly.
As I continued reading, I found it very easy to understand, with good illustrations to help along and amazingly it also had tinge of humor here and there to keep me smiling.
Many have assumed by the title that this book is meant for those in their middle age, but I say it is good for youngsters too. The healthy lifestyle portrayed is good to be adapted as early as possible, so that damage will not be done to the body in the first place. Prevention is better than cure. I recommend it to every individual who has seen 20th birthday.
Aging seems to be the only available way to live a long life, quotes Kitty O’Neill Collins, so if we wish to live longer than let us begin by following few rules of good diet, exercise and happy out look to life. This book will help our quest to a great extent.
I did not find anything in the book taking me by surprise, as the problems discussed and solutions given were something I have read in different health magazines and books.
For example we are familiar with Dietary suggestions like:
1)    Don’t eat fast
2)    Eat a healthy balanced diet
3)    Drink plenty of water
The exercises given in the book are also simple, that anyone can handle them without much guidance. What makes this book special? you may ask. The specialty of the book lies in the fact that it has all the problems dealt with deftly by a health expert, with her experience and knowledge assuring us that the fight plans are going to work. Another plus point is that the book handles every issue that would help making a person look sexy @ sixty.  Namita Jain has touched solutions which include, diet, lifestyle, exercise, medications, cosmetics, and finally even the cosmetic surgery and procedures.
Some important pages I am going to refer again and again are:
1)    The ABC of nutrition – This is a highly informative table showing us the Nutrients, their sources, benefits and signs of deficiency. Page 184
2)    Colour Code of Food – Very interesting and informative chapter that explains the colors of food in relation to vitamins and minerals. Page 186
3)    Simple Asanas with good instructions to follow. I may start on this immediately from today evening itself. Page 145 onwards
Going by my response, you can be assured that the book will at least make you start with a diet and exercise plan by striking just enough amount of panic needed to push you into action. It also gives out hope and assurance of healthy future. I consider it a good bargain.

This review is a part of the Book Reviews Program at Participate now to get free books!


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