
Sunday, January 9, 2011

DCS Course - A Brief Introduction

In DCS i.e. Diploma in Counseling skills, I found a course with a practical orientation---to understand, master, and practice the skills of psychological counselling at workplace, community, institutions, and in informal set ups. The course has been designed from many years of experience of people working in the field, and teaching counselling, and is conducted by a broad cross section of counsellors, psychologists, medical professionals, special educators, human resource experts, and wonderful human beings.

Managed by professionals, the course is tutored for even those who have not had prior theoretical knowledge of psychology, and is conducted with the explicit aim of empowering the students in the practical realm. A number of students have successfully completed the course since it was given a formal structure in 1999, and many more have benefitted from short term courses of the Academy.

This course highlights the philosophy that each person is unique in his or her own right; that given the right conditions each one has the ability to grow and develop; that learning is best achieved when the person takes responsibility and is willing to 'experience' a range of different skills.

The course helps those who wish to improve their own relationships and practice counselling in the following areas:
  • Offices and factories
  • Educational institutions
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing homes
  • Women's or community organizations
  • Old age homes
  • Hospices
  • De-addiction centres

The counsellors work with families, adolescents, youth and children, for marital harmony, or even informally in the community alongside busy medical professionals.

The program simultaneously nurtures personal growth and development by making one understand one's own strengths and weakness.

It has been one of the most amazing experience of my life.

About Banjara Academy

Aim To improve the quality of individual and family life.

Banjara Academy offers free counselling to individuals and families. It provides emotional support and counselling to children with disability, children in homes, and children in hospitals, along with their parents. It conducts training programmes for teachers and special educators, and workshops on effective parenting. It offers workshops, aptitude testing and career guidance for students. It runs short term counselling courses for lay people, and offers consultancy to educational institutions.

Dr. Ali Khwaja Talks about the Academy on You Tube.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Confusions and dilemma's at the beginning of 2011

Hope to sort them out at the beginning of 2011 so that the whole year will have a smooth run...
I will be leaving for Bangalore soon so that I can check out why my toes have suddenly turned so fragile that they are breaking up so easily. I have at present three cracks on my toes and the pain is driving me crazy. So will get that checked out along with a follow up for my daughter to see why she occasionally gets swelling on her ankles and knees.
Next step is rule to recurrence of cancer by going for a detailed follow up which has been pending up for quite some time. Importantly I will to check out a lump which has been persisting for a few months and also growing steadily. I had it checked out in Mangalore and doctor there said it may not be malignant but anyway asked me check it out later to be sure and I want to be sure now. It is sort of making me nervous.
My house which is old and depleted is falling apart. I want to make sure that my husband will do something about this as soon as possible or at least before the monsoon starts. The problem is there is a dispute going on between him and his siblings over their ancestral property and so he doesn't want to spend on it or vacate it. Easier for a person who lives in Sharjah but tough for us over here. He will have to make some choice now and hope he will be doing it.
Hope I will solve the issues on hand at the moment and be back with full force in the blogging world soon.
Spare some prayers for me... Miss you all