
Friday, August 21, 2009

My wonder boy is 18 today

Happy birthday Rayyan.
Rayyan, my wonder boy is 18 years old as of today. I am so happy that I have lived to see him grow into a wonderful human being. As I reflect back on the years he has been with me I feel so overwhelmed by his character. He could set a Guinness record for behavior. Never has he fought with anyone, never landed a blow on a single person or animal, not once has he fought with me, never pestered me for anything he needs (he always will let me know what he needs and then will wait until I can get it for him or else we talk and then he will realize I cannot afford it and lets it go at that). The ‘never’ here is not a general once in while never. It is zero actually a zero score. Am I lucky? You tell me. A young man who will never be awed by someone others will consider big nor will pretend big to someone who others consider small. A sense of equality Rayyan possesses makes me feel guilty. He has changed me a lot in the past 18 years. My daughter has been the reason why I fought cancer fiercely but Rayyan is the person in my life who helped me fight cancer. Even as a young child he would be there to comfort and encourage me. The worst emotional trauma for him was to watch me go bald very soon after I lost my sister. It was too much for a 5 year old to feel he may lose his Mom like he lost his aunt. It was very scary. He was very close to my sister and he loved her very much. He never let me feel hurt though by asking questions or making fuss about how he felt. He suffered silently and I was worried about him. No other child could have dealt with his father the way he does. He is understanding , patient and comforting to him. He is smart enough not to argue with his father like he does with me, my friends and his friends. LOL. He knows which tree bears the fruit. He has a talent for coming up with some wonderful quotes at times which makes sense perfectly for the situation which has me rolling in laughter. I think he is compensation for all the rest of the shit I have in my life. Thank you Rayyan for being such a wonderful son any mother would be proud of. Never once have I regretted having you as a son nor once have I been frustrated. I may never have dared to ask for such a wonderful son ever. Thank you God for considering me worthy enough to have Rayyan in my life. He makes such a huge difference to me…………… Happy birthday dear boy.. or should we say man? May you have many more. Love you.
I have planned to share the wonderful moments of my life with Rayyan in installments… I need to make a thread on my blog exclusively for Rayyan.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A great Bargain......

Giving can be good investment.
Slowly and stealthily a figure approached me. His face had a contradictory emotion of a sad smile which was something very touching. As he neared me and I saw that he was supported by crutches with just one leg without much strength to support him; it was almost like he had no legs. Balancing himself awkwardly he stretched out his hand earnestly in my direction. That look of desperation touched me and I groped in my purse for coins, unfortunately there were none.
Restless at the notes in my purse, I knew if I did not help him I would curse myself the whole day. I am not one of those people who encourage begging, but here I was feeling different. In a flash a thought hit me. Why always look for change, instead as a change why not give him a note? If I gave one of those notes in my purse to this needy man, it would not hurt my economic situation but it sure would make a lot of difference to him.
I held out a note to him and he took it with gratitude. It is a sad situation in our country where we do not find decent beggars often. He was the decent and silent type, a rarity. He looked at the denomination on the note which was not a big amount for many, but for him it meant a lot. I could guess by the look on his face.I could not buy anything worthy with that amount of money. What happened next was really amazing. A smile started on his face which reminded me of a blooming bud sprouting on broken dying twig. I was struck by the sheer pleasure he exhibited. It was amazing in this day and age, where we cannot buy much with notes what I had bargained for a small amount. Sure it touched my heart, and I considered it one of the greatest bargain I have made, buying something very precious for quite a negligible amount.