
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Happy Birthday Rayyan


Dear Rayyan,

On this special day, I want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible person you are and the joy you bring to everyone around you. From the day you were born on August 20th, 1991, you’ve been a source of light, love, and peace in my life and in the lives of many others.

Watching you grow into the person you are today fills my heart with immense pride. Your ability to be loved simply for being yourself is a rare and beautiful gift. You’ve never needed to impress anyone, yet you’ve won the hearts of so many—your family, in-laws, friends, and now, your wife’s friends too.

What I admire most about you, Rayyan, is your deep respect for all living beings. From a young age, you’ve always shown compassion, never wanting to disturb or hurt anyone, whether human, animal, plant, or even the smallest insect. This gentle kindness has always amazed me and continues to inspire those who know you.

In a world often filled with chaos and noise, you bring calmness and tranquility. You avoid creating sadness, pain, or anger around you, and for that, I am endlessly grateful and proud. You are a beacon of peace in a world that needs more people like you.

On your birthday, I wish you endless happiness, peace, and love, just as you’ve given to so many. May you continue to live your life with the same simplicity and grace that make you so special.

Love you more with each passing year. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Women And Toilet Woes - The Fall of Bladder Queen

 I am not sure of my toddler days, but as a child I would postpone peeing to its limit because usually I wouldn’t want to leave a task without completing it; whether it was reading, writing, doing homework, watching TV or playing, I would hold back until the task ended and then casually walk towards the restroom. I think this habit of not giving in to the demands of my bladder, tamed it to obey me without rebelling. This increased my confidence in rejecting toilets that were not suitable to my standards or just unknown toilets. 

Even when people around me would go in search of toilets, I would proudly announce, those were not fit for me. Slowly the aversion to unknown toilets became an obsession with my bladder itself refusing to oblige to throw the waste product out even when I tried. Eventually it became so that I couldn’t Pee easily in unknown toilets and had no trouble at times ignoring nature's call for nearly 36 hours. 

During hospital emergencies, lab tests etc, it became a big challenge for me to make it happen. It was a huge struggle to let it go rather than holding on. We are often prone to pride, no matter what leads to it. So, I became quite vain and proud that I have complete control over the bladder of mine, whereas mere humans and animals surrendered to it. I had tamed this beast and ruled over it. 

Years went by and somehow it was in my nature not to use restrooms unless they were very clean and I felt comfortable to use them. Since my daughter is with special needs and cannot use squat toilets, I started using adult diapers for her whenever we travelled. Due to her mobility challenge, it was difficult for her to access most of the general toilets as well. I don’t know what the public toilets look like or even the toilets in the wedding halls where my son got married were, because I never went towards them. Both my children also started to avoid using toilets outside home unless it was absolutely necessary. 

Everything in our lives has an expiry date, no matter how sure we are of it. So finally my rule over the bladder reached its expiration when we had to travel to Hanur from Bangalore for training a group of teachers under an educational program we were initiating from our company. I was highly excited with this new development and was ready for the journey by 5.30 a.m. Everything went fine and the weather was amazing with slightly drizzling rain. The training went well. 

Our colleague who stayed in the village nearby organized a great veg-feast for us. We enjoyed our lunch and I had a good amount of fresh buttermilk to go with it. I felt my bladder whisper something and decided to check out the toilet but then ignored it, because I knew they were squat toilets and since the past four years I had found it difficult to squat due to my foot injury. Only 3 hours to Bangalore, not a big deal I decided. My pride and confidence goaded me to ignore the bladder beast completely and get into the vehicle. 

Now I ignored a few more things during my journey to Hanur. I had left very early in the morning and the last time I used the restroom was around 4.30 a.m. The weather was wet and rains encouraged bladder. Because I spoke a lot at the training, I had to drink a lot of water. Add to it that I was the only woman travelling. Why does it matter? It does. Women usually call out to fellow women travellers when they are going towards a restroom, men wouldn’t dare to do it. All these started forming an alliance along with the dripping rain for my bladder to revolt and take its power back. It did with a vengeance .. for the one who had been subdued for decades. I felt trouble brewing when we were 90 minutes on the road. I could feel the push in my abdomen and a force I had never encountered ever before. But I kept holding up thinking ‘I can do it’. I've done it before, right? Then someone mentioned we should stop for a coffee. By now, the bladder was threatening me with an outburst and I was not sure of my strength anymore. I said, “I will come out for a coffee if only the restaurant has a restroom, because I needed to use it” and meekly added, “It would be great if we could stop by a restroom”. My colleagues did not say much, but they understood. We started peeping out for restaurants that would probably have a restroom, but we couldn’t find one. Meanwhile my bladder reminded me of those attacks on forts where they banged on the doors with wooden logs and the doors started to vibrate. I suddenly remembered that our mind could change the environment for us. I tried to imagine that I did not have to pee.. I would never have to pee. Surprisingly, it had no effect. Meanwhile, it started to rain heavily and the dripping water sounds added force to those who were using those wooden logs on the fort door. Suddenly I could smell fear, the fear that I may have to smell urine on me. The thought was terrifying. So far I had never understood what those who were looking for a restroom went through, but now I know. I apologized to everyone who I had made fun of earlier and prayed fervently to the Goddess of bladder (there has to be one) to help me out. Not to embarrass me in my boss’ car among my male colleagues. By then we found a restaurant which looked decent enough to have a restroom. I had put up a brave face until then. But as soon as we stopped I was out of the car and rushed in. A lady who was cleaning somehow understood what I was looking for and before I even opened my mouth, she pointed towards a row of tiny rooms in the backyard at a distance. I confirmed that they were toilets and rushed out there stomping on my pride, ego, and need for clean toilets. I just needed one for now. I was in for a shock. It was tiny, not so clean and looked horrifying. But then the fort door seemed to lose a few chunks and looked like it would give in at any moment. So, I went holding my breath, afraid to breathe. Using the close walls for balance I squatted after 4 years and then I knew how heaven felt like. WHEW! Then again using the walls for balance, I was up and out. Hunger makes the hard beans soft  and urgency makes dirty toilets look clean. My rule was over. 

I know now that I had just a few minutes left before the fort door would have been opened up by the army of the bladder. I don’t want to go there and think about it happening. It is too scary.  I heartily thanked the Goddess who helped me to hold on until then. I learned my lessons and realized that life changes. Maybe the future belongs to the rule of the bladder. 

The comedy of war apart, I also realize how tough it may be to travel on roads without any toilets for miles, especially for those with weak bladders. Maybe it is time for someone to take up the cause and install public toilets at least at the intervals of 25 km on the roads.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Footprints On The Storm

When the storm came to me, I didn't flee,

I boldly faced its fury, determined and free.

With every step, I left my mark behind,

Defiant and strong, in body and mind.

Through trials and tempests, I pressed on,

Facing each challenge until it was gone.

In the heart of the storm, I found my might, 

Leaving my footprints as symbols of my fight.

For I am a warrior, resilient and brave,

Conquering adversity with every wave.

Though the storm may rage, I stand tall and true,

Leaving my footprints as proof of all I've been through.

And though the storm may have roared,

Leaving scars and wounds unexplored,

I looked it in the eye and took up the fight

I was not turning back and taking the flight

With steady steps I walked with courage,

Moving forward boldly through its rampage,

One step at a time, forward, I moved on,

And I proudly left my footprints on the storm.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Living My Dream Of An Inclusive Preschool


There was a time when I dreamed of becoming an astrophysicist. The inspiration was Carl Sagan and his television series ‘Cosmos: A Personal Voyage’. That dream was lost in space and gone forever when I dropped out of PUC and got married.

My dream of being an independent career woman was forgotten as I got busy trying to please people, win their appreciation and take care of my children and family. I couldn’t connect or recognize myself, as days went by.

This is when the wake-up call came in the form of Breast Cancer when I was 29. Relationships that demanded sacrifices crumbled like a house of cards when I endured the harsh treatment. I can say that I had no other option but to start a career and take care of myself financially. It was not easy but not impossible either. I had to start very small.

Throughout my life, I had enjoyed teaching. Giving tuition was a hobby, but now it became a part of my income along with making and selling soft toys, stitching clothes, and many odd jobs. I was surprised that even when going through chemo, I could pick myself up and start earning. It gave a big boost to my confidence which has never wavered since then.

As years went by, with encouragement from my son, I studied again. I completed my graduation and post-graduation and started my career seriously with all new fervor. I loved the lost and found again financial freedom.

It was at this stage that a dream was born out of the pain which can only be experienced by a mom of a special needs child. My teenage daughter with special needs was referring to the regular people, including me, as ‘YOU’ people and those with special needs as ‘WE’ people. It was very painful for me to see that my daughter was feeling that she was different from me. Her feelings were based on how we treated her.

Getting out of the blame game vicious cycle

I could blame society, our fate, or injustice and take some comfort in playing the blame game, or I could think of doing something about it. Thus was born the idea of creating a preschool where inclusivity would be a norm. I

know that it is not possible to include every child in a regular school due to the different challenges they have. For example, a child with severe ADHD in a regular environment may harm other children in the school. Autism is not well understood even by special educators, hence, it would be a challenge for regular teachers to handle a child with autism. Intellectual challenges, cerebral palsy, Downs syndrome, learning disabilities were easier for inclusivity.

Doing my homework before I undertook this

Having done my M.S. in Counseling and Psychotherapy I understand both the physical and emotional challenges everyone would face in an inclusive environment. I was not going to jump blindly into the project without doing my homework. But I knew, there was no testing this water without getting into it. I gave up my job and started an inclusive preschool. It was a huge risk for someone who started a career very late in life, but a dream was born and I couldn’t stop myself.

In the initial year, there was a rejection of the idea from parents of regular school-going preschoolers and the parents of children with special needs. One set of parents was afraid that the special children could be dangerous and that their children would pick up their behaviors. The other set of parents was worried their special child would be discriminated against, ignored, and hurt in a regular school environment. Admissions were rare, but they did happen. That was encouraging enough for me. Slowly people around me developed trust in my ability to run the school and admissions started picking up.

In 2020 when I was stepping into the profit zone, Covid19 forced me to close down the school. It was a big shock and setback for me. Being in the rental premises hurt my business more. There were people who took advantage of the situation and caused losses to me, but there were also people who stepped in to support me. I had to close down the school and sell most of my materials. It was tougher than giving up my breast when I had to fight cancer.

I restarted with my dream in 2022

In 2022, when I came across an old building and the dream was born again. I had found a good job during the lockdown and was in a comfortable place once again, but Giggle Garden had the magic of pulling me into it once again. With encouragement from a few parents, I restarted my school.

Fortunately, my struggling days were over. Admissions were not as difficult as it was in 2017 when I had opened the school for the first time. Though I was late in getting the premises ready and starting the school, there were enough admissions to almost cover the running cost every month. I am steadily moving forward with my school and daycare.

We have children with challenges and parents have learned to respect my idea of running an inclusive preschool. Many ask me why not follow the normal way of inclusive education which starts at the age of 6 years and above for children, why preschool?

As we can observe and understand, in the initial years of schooling, the needs of the special children and regular children are almost the same in school, though some extra help may be required based on their diagnosis. Inclusivity in the early years is easy compared to the years when academics take importance and special children will have different needs.

In the picture above, we can see that regular and special needs children can work side by side without any special effort from monitoring adults. Parents are being more supportive of the cause as we are growing in experience.

I may not be able to make a huge difference to many people, but I am sure I have already made a difference to a few children and parents. For me that little achievement is a dream I would die for.

I wish to own a place that I make physically accessible to all people and create an environment where every child can smile and grow. I wish to be the ‘smile farmer’ in ‘Giggle Garden’ where I could grow smiles of all children.

Published on Women's Web

Monday, January 29, 2024

Sanjeevani - Heroes of Hope

Sometimes I wonder whether I really went through all that. From the comfort zone I am in today, the struggle seems far away, but I know I wouldn't be who I am without them. 

Nurturing Children's Health During Winter


As winter approaches and temperatures plummet, it's essential to strike a balance between outdoor enjoyment and safeguarding the well-being of our little ones. While the cold season brings many a sense of joy, it also brings potential health risks, especially for children. Having observed children in My Giggle Garden since its inception in 2017, I have come up with few practical tips to ensure our kids stay healthy and happy during winter.

1. Limit Outdoor Travel for Toddlers

Minimize outdoor excursions with toddlers during the
winter months. The harsh cold can be challenging for their delicate systems. Opt for indoor activities and playdates to reduce exposure to the chilly weather.

2. Embrace the Warmth

Distinguish between hot and warm. Ensure your children are appropriately dressed in layers to maintain a comfortable body temperature. Dressing them warmly is crucial for their well-being in colder weather.

3. Nourish with Healthy Foods

Provide a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients to fuel your children's bodies during the winter. The cold season demands more energy, and a nutritious diet helps strengthen their immune systems.

4. Shield from the Elements

Protect your child's ears from biting winds by using hats or earmuffs. Additionally, promptly dry them after baths, avoiding exposure to fans immediately afterward.

5. Warm Soups for Comfort

Introduce a variety of soups to their diet. Not only do they keep your children warm, but they also contribute to their overall health. Homemade remedies such as tulsi leaves with honey or turmeric milk can work wonders.

6. Prioritize Sleep

Ensure your children get sufficient sleep, especially during winter. Longer sleep times contribute to a healthier immune system. Establish a consistent bedtime routine to promote good sleep habits.

7. Layer up on Socks

Keep their feet warm by adding an extra layer of socks, especially when sending them to school. Cold feet can contribute to discomfort and susceptibility to illnesses.

8. Positive Winter Vibes

Encourage a positive outlook on winter by allowing children to enjoy the season's festivities. Avoid instilling a fear of the cold by refraining from repeatedly saying, "If you do this, you'll catch a cold." Instead, focus on the fun aspects of winter.

9. Home Remedies for Wellness

Incorporate safe and time-tested home remedies into your winter routine. Tulsi leaves with honey and turmeric milk are excellent choices for bolstering your child's immune system without side effects.

10. Embrace the Season

Look forward to the wonders that winter brings. Strike a balance between safeguarding your children's health and enjoying the crisp, refreshing weather. By following these tips, you can create a winter experience that is both safe and enjoyable for your little ones.


Rayyan Lost in Laptop

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