
Thursday, November 19, 2009

The school Era begins....

Now Mr.Right did a great favor to me and I started trying to walk with better gait to impress him. It was painful and tough but I knew I could do it.
No one ever knew what made my gait improve so much and how all of sudden I was walking so well. Everyday I spent a lot of time concentrating on my gait and walking a lot.
This led to the next major development of my life- SCHOOL. Finally my mom and dad had enough confidence in me to send me to school.
I was quite big girl in my class because my Mom and Dad waited for sometime before sending me to school. They wanted to be sure I can walk the distance required to reach school on my own.. Our school had divisions like pre-nursery, LKG and UKG before we started the first grade. I was to sit in pre-nursery where we had kids three years younger to me. Soon the teachers saw that I could memorize rhymes quickly and asked me to learn alphabets and numerals in classroom. I picked up the alphabets and numerals very fast because I had been practicing reading and writing at home. So they promoted me from pre-nursery to LKG and then from LKG to UKG in few months. Soon I came to 1st standard where I had classmates of my age. Still the portions appeared very easy for me. I had learned to read Kannada much better than my sister who was 3 ½ years elder to me. I enjoyed reading and learning because it was so easy.
Now I expected them to promote me as soon as I could finish my lessons for the class. And I did finish my lessons in few months but the promotion did not come along, I started pestering my sister that she should take me along with her to her class because I could read her books. I wanted to be with her in 4th std. So the teachers and my sister had very tough time handling me for some months. I would just sneak out of my class when the teacher was engaged with something and enter my sister’s class and occupy some empty place. I wonder at times why they just sent me back when they found out without any harsh punishments for me. After some time I realized this wasn’t going work out. So I settled down in 1st standard. My sister had so much difficulty picking up kannada language. So I wanted to prove at home that I could do better than her and what was the best way other than to learn the language well. And it was quite easy too. As I began to parrot out tables and read my lessons, I became the centre of attraction. In the beginning no one noticed what I was studying because I think no one expected someone as naughty as me to be studious. They attributed my promotion to sympathy because of my handicap. They would talk about it in front of me thinking I was a just a kid and would not understand anything. But I understood every word they said and began to dislike them. But later on they realized I was good in studies and suddenly I became a favorite with my dad. I am his most loved child now. He presented me with a watch for standing first in final exams of 2nd std.”


  1. I don't think you were a naughty girl, just eager to learn! And that is a good thing, you have done some marvellous things in your life! I feel quite envious of you and I love to hear about your escapades as a child and a young woman! I wish I had dared to do half of the things that you have done!
    Big Hugs!

  2. Farila, I left a comment here for you yesterday but it hasn't appeared here????

    Farila, I loved this post and it shows that if at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again and your indomitable spirit won through in the end. Farila I find your posts really inspiring and it's really very enjoyable getting to know you here like this. Hugs to you:-D

  3. Farila, I have something for you over at my site, so you had better be reading this!
    Big Hugs!

  4. Thank for the award Alice. Now I have to tell ten things about myself but I do not expect to find that many questions anyway. LOL.

    I am glad to know you love to read what I have to write. I admire your writings and know very well that I can never reach even 10% of your skills ever. So appreciation from you is very encouraging.

    Gloria- I am getting more and more involved with your blogs. I love to read how wonderful real life love can be ... coming over to your blog is sort of refuge for me from realities of life. Thanks for the shelter you have created.


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